Impressum Hotel Alpenland

The domain owner & responsible for the Website content:

Hotel Alpenland GmbH & CoKG
A-5541 Altenmarkt-Zauchensee, Zauchenseestraße 28
Telephone: +43 6452 55 66, Fax: +43 6452 55 66 14
E-Mail: , Website:

Reg.Nr.: 50401-000018-2020

Design &  Website:

Gewerbestraße 594
A-5582 St. Michael
Tel.: +43 6477 20078


Hotel Director: Anita Pfeifenberger
Business Type: GmbH & CoKG
Controlling Authority: County Council
St. Johann im Pongau
Professional Association: Wirtschaftskammer Salzburg
Tax ID: ATU 66600939
Company Book Number: 365489i

Responsibility for content/information:

All offers are non-binding and without obligation. Liability claims against the family Pfeifenberger and are basically excluded when relating to damages from material or artistic content or caused through the use or not using the presented information or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information. 

Data Protection / Rights / References and Links:

If you provide us with personal data, we will treat it with care and in accordance with data protection regulations. Use for any other purpose or data transfer to third parties does not occur. When sending highly confidential information to us, please use the post for your safety. The Pfeifenberger family expressly indicates that it dissociates itself from the content of the linked sites outside of this website. We assume no responsibility for the content of linked sites, especially for changes of pages that are done after setting the links. We emphasize that we have no influence on the design and content of websites referenced with links on our website. If any of the sites linked to, have questionable content, we ask you to inform us as soon as possible, and the link will be deleted immediately.


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